Laval Virtual Awards: applications open until 24 January 2025
XR projects benefit companies
Laval Virtual is launching its 27th call for entries for the LV Awards. Among 7 categories, the Enterprise & Productivity Solution category is designed to reward XR projects that contribute to improving business performance. This call is open to all projects developed between January 2024 and April 2025.

Selection criteria
Consistency of the project with the theme of the chosen category
Relevance: of technology, product, solution
Technical quality: interface, graphics, interaction
Relevance of idea and use
Originality and innovation
Potential for future inspiration

Contact me!
For more information on how to enter and on the 7 general categories of the LV Awards, please contact Laurine GUESNÉ at

Nawo Live
Nawo is a software suite developed by HRV to objectively quantify MSD risk factors, based on ergonomic assessment standards and reference methods. Nawo uses motion capture, virtual reality and video stream analysis technologies to assess risk factors.
The 2024 Jury