Thursday 11 April 2024 at the Laval Virtual Center, from 08:30am to 05:30pm
XR PhD students take the floor
The doctoriales are an opportunity for doctoral students togain critical feedback on their work, share their discoveries, develop their network of contacts, enhance their skills and perfect their professional projects through meetings with companies and research laboratories.
The program includes oral presentations of research work in plenary sessions and scientific poster presentations by young researchers enrolled in doctoral theses.

Discover the program and the 5 sessions
The day will begin with a welcome at 08:30 to set up the posters.
A welcome speech is scheduled for 09:00, followed by a major presentation by all participants in the form of a pitch lasting less than a minute.
This will be followed by 2 poster sessions, at 10:30 and 15:30, and the 5 sessions on offer:
11:00 – 12:30: Session 1
14:30 – 15:30 – Sessions 2 & 3
16:00 – 17:30: Sessions 4 & 5
The day will end at 6pm.
General Chairs: Pr Simon Richir, Dr Geoffrey Gorisse, Dr Olivier Christmann, Dr Sylvain Fleury

Meeting people and forging links
The PhD students also can meet XR companies through a visit to the Laval Virtual exhibition to create productive and exciting exchanges between the companies and the PhD students.
The Doctoral Consortium is a unique opportunity for PhD students in the field of XR (virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, metaverse) from France, Europe and elsewhere to meet and create lasting professional links.
Where does the event take place?
The Doctoral Consortium will take place at the Laval Virtual Center on Thursday 11 April. The address is as follows:
Laval Virtual Center
– Rue Marie Curie
– 53810 CHANGÉ

This event is organised with the support of AFXR.
AFXR is the result of the merger in 2019 of two major French associations (AFRV and Uni-XR) working for French professionals in immersive technologies (including virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality) and their uses.