Laval Virtual Awards: applications now closed
Enhancing the value of more immersive VR/AR devices
Laval Virtual launches its 26th call for entries for the LV Awards. This year sees the launch of a new category: “XR devices and Interaction Products”. This category rewards VR/AR visualization devices, interaction peripherals or sensory restitution devices that enable more immersive and/or easier-to-use XR.
This call was open to all projects developed between January 2023 and April 2024.

The selected projects



VIVE Ultimate Tracker
The Jury

Take part in the LV Awards ceremony
For 25 years, Laval Virtual has been committed to promoting the creators of XR solutions throughout the world. The awards ceremony recognizes best VR/AR achievements of the year in 7 different general categories and many more.
Mark your calendars! The prestigious awards ceremony will take place on Thursday April 11, 2024 during the Laval Virtual event.